Advantages of supplements in sports

Bautagebuch von Pharma

Advantages of supplements in sports

Geschrieben am 10.04.20210 Kommentare
Positive effects of the use of AAS.

The use of AAS has its positive and negative sides. The advantages of using sports pharmacology products include:

Increase physical performance, such as strength and endurance.

Increase in muscle mass.

Some steroid drugs have an analgesic effect.

Some of the drugs have anti-catabolic properties.

Many of the steroid drugs promote the accumulation of muscle glycogen and increase the number of mitochondria in the muscles during exercise.

Accelerate the process of muscle recovery after grueling workouts.

The occurrence of favorable psychological manifestations, such as an increase in mood and motivation, as well as an increase in the "fighting spirit", is noted.

Steroid drugs promote enhanced protein synthesis and increase actin and myosin, which are responsible for muscle contractions. Also, the strength indicators depend on the volume of sarcoplasma and the retention of fluid in the body. Anabolics promote the stimulation of muscle cells, as well as prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue, which can occur during intense training. But the volume of muscle mass itself increases due to an increase in myofibrils and the growth of sarcoplasma.

In medicine, anabolics were originally used as painkillers. They greatly increased stamina. An increase in the number of mitochondria when using steroids leads to an increase in the utilization of oxygen in the body. AAS also increase hemoglobin, which contributes to the accelerated transport of oxygen in the blood.

Steroid drugs can increase blood pressure, which dilates blood vessels and improves blood flow to the muscles. It also increases the accumulation of muscle glycogen, which is the "fuel" for more intense exercise.

effects of steroidsteroids help the body and muscle tissues recover faster from various injuries, as well as reduce the likelihood of stretching and tearing of the muscles. There is a positive effect on the psychological state of athletes who took steroid drugs. Many felt euphoric, increased healthy aggression, and were better able to handle stressful situations. Also, the positive effects of a psychological nature can be attributed to increased motivation, improved ability to tolerate painful sensations, as well as increased self-confidence and their abilities.

Such a large number of positive aspects of the use of AAS is really surprising. But do not forget about the possible negative effects of steroids. A very good supplement store: 1. The use of special drugs in professional sports in order to improve speed and strength indicators, stimulate the central nervous system, optimize recovery processes, gain a large amount of muscle mass in the shortest possible time. This point can be described as the most reasonable and ideologically correct, because taking steroids and stimulants is usually carried out under the supervision of a trainer and specialists who correctly select medications, correctly determine the duration and cycle of use, as well as monitor the compatibility and balance of drugs, thereby achieving maximum results with minimal side effects.

2. The use of AAS in amateur sports. This is an extremely destructive method of self-improvement, while the most common/popular, which, however, causes not only the emission of serious complications when using AAS, but also produces professional athletes of the highest level.

3. Mindless infusion of the contents of ampoules into schoolgirls ' asses to the deafening methane crunch. This point follows from the second and is like a sub-item, but I could not help but highlight this socio-cultural phenomenon in a separate column. High school students, Ptushniki, etc. young animals easily get sick with this disease. The nature of this phenomenon is poorly understood, but it can be assumed that the desire to get high in a short time, together with the use of a forbidden potion, is due to swollen adolescent ambition and suicidal tendencies.

4. Rehabilitation after various injuries/operations with" over-the-counter " use of anabolics. It is no secret that many athletes in the period of heavy pre-start training often break, tear, stretch something for themselves and turn out. Steroids and other special drugs help you recover faster from these ailments and "get back on your feet", i.e. medicines play the role of a kind of pharmacological crutch, relying on which you can improve and accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues and wounded self-esteem.

5. Recovery of the body's strength after a prolonged "vacation" or stress. Some athletes, who by the will of fate are excluded from training for a long time and have lost their former form, resort to in order to join the slender bodybuilding ranks as quickly as possible and regain the lost strength.

6. Treatment with AAS under medical supervision with a total diagnosis of all body systems. Killers in white coats, despite their disdain for AAS, in some situations prescribe these drugs to their patients. The reason for this can be severe postoperative conditions and various diseases.

7. Hormone replacement therapy. Many men (not only athletes, but ordinary people), having reached the age when the hormonal background leaves much to be desired, begin to support the body with regular injections of androgens and episodic therapy with somatotropic hormone together with insulin.

You need to determine what situation your body and mind are currently in, i.e. the level of your personal readiness to use pharma. Now we will consider in detail each of the above-mentioned points and analyze in detail the list of actions in each specific situation, in other words, I will present you a step-by-step algorithm of conclusions and life manipulations in various circumstances. You can consider all the following text as a manual for the operation of your puny body.
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<div>Positive effects of the use of AAS.</div>

<div>The use of AAS has its positive and negative sides. The advantages of using sports pharmacology products include:</div>

<div>Increase physical performance, such as strength and endurance.</div>

<div>Increase in muscle mass.</div>

<div>Some steroid drugs have an analgesic effect.</div>

<div>Some of the drugs have anti-catabolic properties.</div>

<div>Many of the steroid drugs promote the accumulation of muscle glycogen and increase the number of mitochondria in the muscles during exercise.</div>

<div>Accelerate the process of muscle recovery after grueling workouts.</div>

<div>The occurrence of favorable psychological manifestations, such as an increase in mood and motivation, as well as an increase in the "fighting spirit", is noted.</div>

<div>Steroid drugs promote enhanced protein synthesis and increase actin and myosin, which are responsible for muscle contractions. Also, the strength indicators depend on the volume of sarcoplasma and the retention of fluid in the body. Anabolics promote the stimulation of muscle cells, as well as prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue, which can occur during intense training. But the volume of muscle mass itself increases due to an increase in myofibrils and the growth of sarcoplasma.</div>

<div>In medicine, anabolics were originally used as painkillers. They greatly increased stamina. An increase in the number of mitochondria when using steroids leads to an increase in the utilization of oxygen in the body. AAS also increase hemoglobin, which contributes to the accelerated transport of oxygen in the blood.</div>

<div>Steroid drugs can increase blood pressure, which dilates blood vessels and improves blood flow to the muscles. It also increases the accumulation of muscle glycogen, which is the "fuel" for more intense exercise.</div>

<div>effects of steroidsteroids help the body and muscle tissues recover faster from various injuries, as well as reduce the likelihood of stretching and tearing of the muscles. There is a positive effect on the psychological state of athletes who took steroid drugs. Many felt euphoric, increased healthy aggression, and were better able to handle stressful situations. Also, the positive effects of a psychological nature can be attributed to increased motivation, improved ability to tolerate painful sensations, as well as increased self-confidence and their abilities.</div>

<div>Such a large number of positive aspects of the use of AAS is really surprising. But do not forget about the possible negative effects of steroids. A very good supplement store: 1. The use of special drugs in professional sports in order to improve speed and strength indicators, stimulate the central nervous system, optimize recovery processes, gain a large amount of muscle mass in the shortest possible time. This point can be described as the most reasonable and ideologically correct, because taking steroids and stimulants is usually carried out under the supervision of a trainer and specialists who correctly select medications, correctly determine the duration and cycle of use, as well as monitor the compatibility and balance of drugs, thereby achieving maximum results with minimal side effects.</div>

<div>2. The use of AAS in amateur sports. This is an extremely destructive method of self-improvement, while the most common/popular, which, however, causes not only the emission of serious complications when using AAS, but also produces professional athletes of the highest level.</div>

<div>3. Mindless infusion of the contents of ampoules into schoolgirls ' asses to the deafening methane crunch. This point follows from the second and is like a sub-item, but I could not help but highlight this socio-cultural phenomenon in a separate column. High school students, Ptushniki, etc. young animals easily get sick with this disease. The nature of this phenomenon is poorly understood, but it can be assumed that the desire to get high in a short time, together with the use of a forbidden potion, is due to swollen adolescent ambition and suicidal tendencies.</div>

<div>4. Rehabilitation after various injuries/operations with" over-the-counter " use of anabolics. It is no secret that many athletes in the period of heavy pre-start training often break, tear, stretch something for themselves and turn out. Steroids and other special drugs help you recover faster from these ailments and "get back on your feet", i.e. medicines play the role of a kind of pharmacological crutch, relying on which you can improve and accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues and wounded self-esteem.</div>

<div>5. Recovery of the body's strength after a prolonged "vacation" or stress. Some athletes, who by the will of fate are excluded from training for a long time and have lost their former form, resort to in order to join the slender bodybuilding ranks as quickly as possible and regain the lost strength.</div>

<div>6. Treatment with AAS under medical supervision with a total diagnosis of all body systems. Killers in white coats, despite their disdain for AAS, in some situations prescribe these drugs to their patients. The reason for this can be severe postoperative conditions and various diseases.</div>

<div>7. Hormone replacement therapy. Many men (not only athletes, but ordinary people), having reached the age when the hormonal background leaves much to be desired, begin to support the body with regular injections of androgens and episodic therapy with somatotropic hormone together with insulin.</div>

<div>You need to determine what situation your body and mind are currently in, i.e. the level of your personal readiness to use pharma. Now we will consider in detail each of the above-mentioned points and analyze in detail the list of actions in each specific situation, in other words, I will present you a step-by-step algorithm of conclusions and life manipulations in various circumstances. You can consider all the following text as a manual for the operation of your puny body.</div>

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